Informal Combinatorics Seminar

@ Fields

Fridays 10:30pm - 12:30pm

Fall 2003

2rd Floor Room 210
The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
222 College Street · Toronto, Ontario · M5T 3J1 · Canada

Welcome to ICS@Fields.  The purpose of this seminar is to cover exposition on topics of (algebraic) combinatorics which are of interest to the people attending, so please feel free to come and participate. 

Current topic:


Quasi-Symmetric functions and applications


Date Speaker Subject
10/17 Nantel Bergeron
Introduction to Quasi-symmetric functions
Nantel Bergeron
Quasi-Symmetric functions I
Nantel Bergeron
Quasi-Symmetric functions II
Nantel Bergeron
Quasi-Symmetric functions III: Temperley-Leib Invariants
11/14 Nantel Bergeron
Quasi-Symmetric functions IV: Temperley-Leib Invariants
Stephen Berman
Covering Algebras 2.5---Iterated Loop Algebras

If you have a suggestion for a topic please bring it up for discussion it at the next seminar.  If you would like to contribute by preparing a presentation please talk to Geanina.

Past topics:

Winter 2003 - Topic Crystal bases for superalgebras

Fall 2002 - Topic Crystal bases

For more information contact: 
Geanina Tudose -
For information/corrections concerning this web page contact:
Mike Zabrocki -