Math 5300: Computation for Teachers
Mike Zabrocki - May 5 - June 11
Hongmei Zhu - June 16 - July 23
First course will be held in CB 121
Future classes will be in Ross N604 or as announced

Course description:  This course will explore the relationship between mathematics and the use of computers. The topic of digital images and computer graphics will be a main focus this term and the mathematics behind popular image manipulation software. Students will learn how computers represent images and then how subjects learned in high school such as calculus, linear algebra and discrete mathematics relate to computer graphics and digital image processing.

The book for the course is "Digital Image Processing," 2nd edition by Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Prentice Hall

list of topics
history and introduction to internet tools
logic and computer representation
introduction to GIMP
introduction to octave
color, light and the eye
representing colors and color spectrums
average color of a picture
cropping, copying, pasting
file compression and information theory
Bezier curves
randomness and computer generated images
Resizing an image
Rotating an image
Correcting intensity using simple functions
Equalizing intensity using histogram
Smoothing an image
Sharpening an image
Fourier Transforms in 1-D and 2-D
Filtering an image in frequency domain
Noise, noise remover

This course will be split into two parts because we have two professors who have agreed to teach it.  We are trying to work together to integrate this into a single course, but there is likely to be a transition between the two halves.  The first course will meet in the Chemistry building CB 121 but then we will move into the grad computer lab in the Ross building.
Mike's notes:
There are several aspects of computers that I want to concentrate on in this course. 

The first, of course is algorithms involving computer graphics and digital image processing since there is a lot of really interesting mathematics that goes into manipulating images and representing images on a computer.

The second aspect of computers we will concentrate on are the programs that do calculations and manipulate images.  There are two commerical products which we could use for this course to do the types of calculations we need, Photoshop and Matlab.  For several reasons we have chosen to work with two alternate programs, GIMP and Octave.  One advantage of using GIMP and Octave is that they are both free. We won't become experts in these programs, but the main goal is to leave the class knowing the basics.

The last is the internet, and this is because it has become a ubiquitous aspect of teaching, learning and accessing information.  There are several computer tools that we will use in order to communicate, share and distribute information and we will use many others as reference material.  For this aspect of the course you will be expected to write and share information on the internet.  Many of your students are in all probability using social networking sites, blogs, wikis and other information sharing sites and as a teacher you should be aware how to use them yourself.