York University  

Tuesday at 3:00PM
Room 638 North Ross
Nantel Bergeron 

York University
Department of Mathematics
4700 Keele St. Toronto

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Fall 2003 expected schedule: ANY SUGGESTIONS? (email us!)

There is also a working seminar on Thursday afternoon at Fields (click here for more details)
[The speakers with (?) need to be confirmed, Note some day and time changes in RED]
[The dates and speaker in ORANGE are special join seminar AAS-Fields  on Thursday]

30 Sept.
 Sindi Sabourin
(York Univeristy
A Study of Lex Plus Powers Ideals
7 Oct.
Nantel Bergeron
(York Univeristy)
Combinatorial Hopf Algebras have characters
14 Oct.
Andrew Rechnitzer
(University of Melbourne)
Lattice animals; why can't we solve any of these things
21 Oct.
Naihong Hu
(East China Normal University)
Bosonic representations of the Lie algebras  $W_{1+\infty}$ and $W_{1+\infty}(gl_N)$
28 Oct.
Mike Zabrocki
(York Univeristy)
The Hopf algebra of non-commutative symmetric functions
4 Nov.
Krystyna Bugajska
(York University)
Schemes, VOA and Monster
11 Nov.
Riccardo Biagioli
Permutations statistics, invariants and coinvariant algebra for the Weyl group of type D.
18 Nov.
Yun Gao
(York University)
Algebras over a Fock space
25 Nov.
Mercedes Rosas
On a Conjecture Concerning Littlewood-Richardson Coefficients
2 Dec.

The End





If you are interested in receiving regular announcement of this seminar then, please send us an email so that we can insert you in our mailing list. Look here for our statement. 

Also if you are interested in giving one of the talks, or if you have suggestions then, please let us know

Nantel Bergeron 
Canadian Research Chair in Mathematics
Prof. Mathematics 
York University
Office: S619 Ross Building 
tel: (416) 736 5250 Ext 33968 
fax: (416) 736 5757 
