How to run a SAGE worksheet downloaded from email or a web page

You should know where the file that you downloaded is located.  Often it will end up in a folder where all your downloads will go.  The file will end in the suffix '.sws'  You won't be able to just double click on it and see that it runs.  Instead you must 'Upload' the worksheet.  Log into the notebook server of SAGE.  At the top of the screen you should see a link that says 'Upload.'

point to where the 'Upload' link is on
        the list of worksheets


When you click on that link you will see a page where you should select the file that you select the worksheet and then push a button to upload the file.

step 2 is to select the file and push
        the button to upload it.


When you select "Choose File" an open dialog box will open and you should navigate to the worksheet file.  You should see something similar to this on a Mac computer.

navigate to the location of the
            worksheet file


Once you select "Open" you will see that next to the "Choose File" button the file name has changed.

view where the file selected is


When you select "Upload Worksheet"you will be taken directly to the worksheet

You are done!

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