The following pictures were taken on May 12, 2009 during the presentations
for Math 1200 section B at York University. The projects for this class
were accompanied by a poster and a short presentation by each of the
pairs that had been working together. Note, one group had presented a week earliers
(Brett Bridges and Phu Liem) and that presentation was not photographed.
Click on the image for a link to a larger, more detailed image.
-Photo credits Dorota Mazur

Naamah Jacobs and Kajethra Umathevan

Natasha Lunardo and Lei Zhao

Iru Shah and Mithika Jegasothy

Darek Dufaj and Reynaldo Isip

Darek Dufaj and Reynaldo Isip and Victoria Panthaky and Mike Zabrocki play blackjack

Victoria Panthaky and Claudia Diaconescu

Alvin Chou and Irena Dikushin

Jonathan Weltman and Joseph Weltman

Shaofang Xu and Weiyang Shi

Ata Munim and Salman Aziz Tariq
Math 1200 section B web page
Mike Zabrocki's web page