Assignment #9

For example try the following commands and ensure that you understand what they do:
> with(plots);
> A:=[plot(x^2,x=-2..2),plot(x^2/2,x=-2..2),plot(x^2/3,x=-2..2),plot(x^2/4,x=-2..2),plot(x^2/3,x=-2..2),plot(x^2/2,x=-2..2)];
> display(A, insequence=true);
> F:=proc(r);
return A[round(r)];
end proc:
> animate(F, [i], i=1..6,frames=6);

This assignment is to make the picture that appears in the following tweet, but in Maple.

Here is the link to the tweet in case it doesn't appear properly on this page.

So the first step is to animate a sequence of pictures that produces this image. To see how it was created you can slide down the thread to this tweet here.

I would like you to make 3 animations, the first two should be (1) the picture above
(2) the animation from this tweet here
for the third animation, do one of the other pictures in the thread (your choice). Make sure you document it by putting a link to the thread in your worksheet.

You should open up a new worksheet and start from scratch. You will have to save your work in a file and upload that file on to the course moodle. Your solution should be a sequence of commands where it is easy to change the input string and after you execute the sequence of commands you should have the correct output string. Please add documentation to your worksheet to explain how it works. Just a few sentences is sufficient, but imagine that you were opening up the worksheet for the first time and wanted to know what it did. You will be marked down if what you write is not clear and coherent.

You should finish your assignment before class Tuesday, November 20 by 11:59pm. Assignments submitted after this date will be assessed a penalty of 10% per day.