random design

The grades are based on the following components:

Quizzes (drop lowest 1 of 5)
Computer assignment
Final exam

Please note that the grades will be based on a curve and will not use the absolute grading scale.

Of the 5 quizzes that will be offered during the term, you may drop the lowest one of them.  There will be no makeup quizzes so be sure not to miss more than you absolutely have to.  In addition there will sometimes be 'bonus' questions on the quizzes which are for the students who have extra time.   Before each of the quizzes you will be given practice problems from which to study.  The quizzes will sometimes take most of the 80 minute class, others times we will use only half that. Each quiz is different and they are sometimes longer or shorter. For this reason I reserve the right to deviate from the announced times as necessary.

There will be a computer assignment which I expect to make due towards mid March.  This does not involve programming.  It is a web based assignment where you will be asked to run a computer program to break a ciphertext which will be e-mailed to you.

(May 2, 2010) I want to give you the chance to review your grades in case you should notice a descrepancy between what you have and what I have recorded.

random design