Math 6120- Modern Algebra |
This course
presents some important elements of modern algebra, as described by the
following headings: group theory (Sylow theorems, finitely generated
abelian groups, group presentations), category theory (adjoint funtors,
limits), ring and module theory (unique factorization domains, free
modules, finitely generated modules over a PID, tensor products,
exactness); field theory (field extensions, Galois theory).
This course meets twice a week,
from 1pm-2:30pm in CFA 304.
The course will follow the book 'Abstract Algebra' by Dummit &
Foote, Wiley, 3rd Edition.
Prof. Mike Zabrocki |
Office: TEL 3046
Office Hours: by appointment |
email :  |
Course Evaluation:
Midterm and Final exam: 40% |
Homework: 60% |
Check here for any handouts, homework and
March 31, 2005: The final/comprehensive exam for this course will be
held 11-2pm, Friday April 8 in TEL 3062.
January 19, 2005: Our next class (Thursday Jan 20) will be held in N604 from 1-2:30.
We will be doing the exercises from the handout that
I gave in class last time.
December sometime: The date and time and place of the 'mid-term'
exam is
Tuesday, December 14. 1-4pm
TEL 3062 - (3rd floor on the side of the building closest to the Tim